


Dame Judith Mayhew Jonas looked at how London developed from the 1980s through to 2010 and the role Honor played in this period. (Held at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge.

Read the full speech here


Dame Alison Nimmo spoke about London’s past, present and future.  (Held at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge).


Annie Hampson OBE analysed the role of planning in society, both continuity and change with a specific focus on the history of the City of London. (Held at The Haberdashers’ Hall, London).

Read the full speech here


Dame Margaret Ford made the case for more new towns in the United Kingdom. (Held at The Haberdashers’ Company, London).

Read the full speech here


Dame Vivian Hunt spoke about how inclusive leadership leads to inclusive growth. (Held at City Hall, London).

Read the full speech here


Dame DeAnne Julius analysed the role of cities and their relationship with universities, a powerful growth dynamic. (Held at University College London).

Read the full speech here


Following the death of Trish Barrigan in 2020, the lecture series was relaunched as the Chapman Barrigan Lectures and the first speaker was Liz Peace CBE.


Liz Peace CBE explored the importance of trust in the development industry. (Kindly hosted by Goldman Sachs, London).

Read the full speech here


Rosemary Feenan spoke about the “Big Bang” of 1986 was a turning point in London’s attraction to international real estate investors. The Capital’s appeal over the last 40 years has ebbed and flowed, and as London prepares to take its next steps with a new agenda of opportunity and renewal, what do international investors see today.

Watch the speech here